
Thursday, 25 September 2014

Mission of the Church

WALT describe the mission of the church.
I know I can do  this when:
I can talk about the mission of Jesus when he was on earth.
I can talk about the mission of the church today.
I can give examples of the mission of Jesus and the church.

Here is my Sketch of the St Patrick`s Church.

The amazing skills of Rugby Leage.

We are learning the skills of rugby league

Today the coach taught us how to goose step which is is a skip.

Score a try which is when you need to have two hand on the ball and you can't drop the ball.

Spin which is a backwards spin.

A side step which is when you are close to someone then you side step away.

The amazing Duffy assembly.

In room 7 there was a Duffy assembly all the classes were there we went there for an assembly Joshua and Kory were the people that did the assembly.

There was a story about Kory and Joshua's granddad Sua who lived in Samoa but one day his sister was crying and she pointed at the man!!  Sua  searched for  ages and ages but one day he came across the man !! Then Sua grabbed a sword and got closer to the man !! When he got there he swiped the man on the legs and realized that he had broken the mans legs. He then hoped on a plane and traveled to a cold place in New Zealand  every day  he woke up and read the bible ate breakfast and went to work every day for two years then he became a good man. Joshua and Kory said he is their granddad. 

Then Joshua said the Brown Brother speech for us. The speech is a about no matter who you are our what colour  you are you can achieve anything you want to achieve  if you try your best and never give up.

I had fun.

My Life.

WALT write a autobiography.
An autobiography is a story about my life.
This is my Autobiography.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

A cool need and want blog.

WALT identify the difference between   a need  and  a want.

This is a picture of my books which is a want.
It is a want because you will not die without it.

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Body parts in English and Maori.

WALT identify the parts of the body in English and Maori.

I know I can do this when I can add up all the body parts in English then in Maori on Luke.

Here is a photo of Luke.

A perfect blurb for a cool mystery book.

WALT write a blurb for a story we read.
A blurb is a little bit of information about the book on the back of the book.

Oh no something strange is going on. Is the problem because of a one legged monster? Read on and find out

I wonder what ????????????????????????

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Our cool estimating.

WALT estimate and measure in centimeters and meters.

Estimate means take a guess. When we estimate we use the information  we already know then try to guess an answer a close as possible to the correct measurement.

After we estimate we need to measure to check see if our estimation is correct.

To learn this we flew our planes.

My estimation was 17 m and  cm.

My plane actually flew 4 m and 40 cm

My estimation was wrong.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Estimating and making a cool paper plane.

WALT estimate and measure in cent a meters and meters.

Estimate means take a guess.

First we will estimate then we will check our estimation by measuring with a ruler.

I estimated that my plane will fly 17 meters and 45 cent a meters.

Here is a picture of my plane